A moment of discussion with civil society and sector organizations on the contribution of the University to the development of the human and professional potential of refugees
The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on the Integration of Migrants in Europe (IntoME) and the PRIN CoSME (Community Sponsorship for Migrants in Europe) invite you to attend the Hands-on Meeting ‘Building Resilient Communities through Responsibility-sharing’. The meeting aims to develop the potential of the University of Tuscia as a knowledge broker for processes of co-creation and transfer of skills, including non-formal education, fostering the responsibility-sharing between the University and the territory for building resilient and integrated communities.
The institutional greetings of the UNITUS Rector, the DISTU Director and the Dean of the Unified Course in Law and European Studies will be followed by a first session to welcome the developments of the ‘Institutional Table for Integration’ promoted by IntoME and CoSME in partnership with the Prefecture, the Court of Viterbo, the Civil Chamber and the Viterbo Bar Association.
Joint projects aimed at activating and improving pathways to social inclusion, access to rights and transition to the labour market will be presented for the benefit of the local and international student community, but also for the civic integration of the most vulnerable components of our society. Particular attention will be paid to the development of the opportunities offered by the linguistic and cultural pluralism that characterises the university community and that can radiate outwards to foster the development of welcoming, inclusive and resilient communities. The Institutional Table for Integration, thanks to the participation of the Rector’s Delegate for Relations with Business and Fundraising, will also provide an opportunity to reflect on win-win strategies for enhancing academic entrepreneurship, crowdfunding and the third mission as tools for creating public value.
The second session will allow a more in-depth examination of the role of the university in building resilient communities, taking up the challenge of the PNRR and the regional project “Porta Futuro” to rethink schools and universities for tomorrow’s Italy. The session will host the reflections of UNITUS and LUISS “Guido Carli” professors, who will address the issue of community resilience from the perspectives of linguistics, sociology and migration policy, adopting an operational slant that places theoretical research in the context of university planning aimed at creating a social impact. The reflection will be enriched by the expertise of stakeholders involved in the integration of migrants in the Province of Viterbo and abridged by the fundamental contribution of the Rector’s contact persons for Inclusion and the Alumni community (WeUnitus). This session will therefore explore the concept of community in its polysemic spectrum, highlighting its conceptual and practical contributions in terms of building relational and resilient identities, both in the university classroom (universitas discentium) and outside, in civil society and institutions (universitas civium).
The third session – “Unlocking the Potential: Peer-to-peer Initiatives by and for the International Student Community” – will feature UNITUS international students presenting their innovative projects and bottom-up initiatives developed over the past year. Among the projects presented: the solidarity network “The Bridge Trust” and the “Tandem Initiative”. Among the initiatives promoted: the event for refugee children on 23 April 2024, on the occasion of World Book Day, and the “Model EU UNITUS”. Starting at 7 p.m., we will move to the inner courtyard of the San Carlo for a solidarity aperitif with a DJ set, which will be a pleasant opportunity to get together, “make community” and collect donations for the #UNITUS4Refugees project. The solidarity aperitif, which student associations have already joined, is organised with the support of IntoME, CoSME and the University institution.
Let us know if you are interested in participating. Fill in the form: https://forms.gle/RdqFKySdU83p6pJC8
IntoME Secretariat
University of Tuscia (Viterbo)
Department of Linguistics and Literary, Historical, Philosophical and Legal Studies (DISTU)
Via San Carlo, 32 – 01100 Viterbo
Phone: +39 0761357879
Email: intome@unitus.it