ADiM Doctoral and Postdoctoral Colloquium – International Migration and Labour Market Integration
Due to its focus on “International Migration and Labour Market Integration”, the third Doctoral & PostDoctoral Colloquium of the Academy of Law and Migrations will be organized in cooperation with the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on the Integration of Migrants in Europe (IntoME) and will take place on 23 and 24 September 2021 in Lampedusa, Italy. Like the previous editions, the aim of the Colloquium is to enhance the scientific contribution of young researchers in the migration field (Ph.D. students, postdoctoral researchers and research fellows), promoting discussion across disciplines, between the researchers and with senior scholars.
The third edition will be entirely devoted to the relationship between international mobility, labour market entry and integration of migrants. In particular, it will focus on the dynamics of inclusion and integration, also in light of prominent contemporary issues such as the Covid-19 crisis, the labour exploitation in the agrifood system, the free movement of EU citizens, and the different treatment of highly skilled, low-skilled and seasonal workers.
Header photo by Vito Manzari
IntoME Secretariat
University of Tuscia (Viterbo)
Department of Linguistics and Literary, Historical, Philosophical and Legal Studies (DISTU)
Via San Carlo, 32 – 01100 Viterbo
Phone: +39 0761357879